Spontaneously in a sentence as an adverb

At one point they all applauded spontaneously when I described a feature of the system.

However, the fire did not start spontaneously - it was caused by the driver hitting a large piece of metal debris in the road.

You have a median time of about two hours until it runs out of power or spontaneously explodes.

PHP did not emerge spontaneously from conversations amongst PHP programmers -- people actually sat down and wrote code.

I would spontaneously combust if I were responsible for a $364B company on a good day, never mind deciding how layoffs should be done.

They can spontaneously decay to a lower-energy state.

Chiefly, it was the ability to spontaneously organise my socialisation with other kids more or less as I wanted.

Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

The way I feel every time I watch a movie where a machine spontaneously "comes alive", and then have to listen to people talk about "what if it really happened", must be similar to how economists feel every day. No wonder it's the dismal science.

I was there working on her equipment one day when the last customer left and she spontaneously broke down in tears because it had been a tough day, a tough week, a tough and relentless Summer.

It's recommended to have a fail-safe, but switches don't spontaneously turn on at even 1 in a billion and most people don't write breathless articles about the one time they were only one switch away from death 50 years ago.

However, in a working uranium reactor, there will be large quantities of fission products that are also radioactive and are therefore spontaneously decaying in a long chain towards stable isotopes.

It blows my mind how effective that is, because there exists someone with the ability to give you what you want just by saying "Yeah, sure" and that is 1000000000x more likely to happen after you have asked him for it in person versus happening spontaneously.

Look at the news in places like UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Canada: people "spontaneously" die in police custody, are killed in the street while unarmed, spend years in jail for crimes they didn't commit, spend months in custody before even being accused of anything... and these are just the ones we hear about.

However these three\n years of work in isolation [1945-1948], when I was thrown onto my own\n resources, following guidelines which I myself had spontaneously\n invented, instilled in me a strong degree of confidence, unassuming\n yet enduring in my ability to do mathematics, which owes nothing to\n any consensus or to the fashions which pass as law.

Spontaneously definitions


in a spontaneous manner; "this shift occurs spontaneously"


without advance preparation; "he spoke ad lib"

See also: impromptu