Sponsor in a sentence as a noun

Sorry, no remote work, but Google does sponsor visas.

It was re-proposed in 2010 and 2012, each time with increased support from a bi-partisan group of sponsors, in both Houses.

On Friday I pitched my company to a room of 150 developers, since my company was a hackathon sponsor.

But when the entertainment industry pays lobbyists $95 million to get a bill they wrote passed, both Republicans and Democrats line up to co-sponsor it.

You have an internal product sponsor who asks for basic financial info, asks for a price, has clearly laid out next steps and the process, and wants to start immediately.

Al-Awlaki built up a serial murderer's resume as a sponsor, planner, and coordinator of multiple attacks on civilians in the US and UK.

Sponsor in a sentence as a verb

If we'd started differently we could afford to be employ and sponsor postgres core team staff for example and gave second to none support and a positive impact on the community.

They spend initially huge amounts of time and effort to build this trust with their audience and they just misuse it by writing unfair articles in favor of companies sponsoring them later.

They don't have to travel anywhere to get the news, they just 'steal' it from goodwill communities like Hackernews and Reddit and make the titles misleading or 'attractive' so they can get more clicks and add bias to it, insert ads wherever possible, and write articles favoring companies that sponsor them.

More than a decade into hosting-as-a-business model, I still don't see why 'temporarily over quota' messages aren't replaced with an offer to let the audience sponsor a bump in quota, either for just the current viewer or however many viewers the next quantum of hosting can support.

To their credit everyone was very supportive of my passion but in the end the company gets to decide what they are going to do with your work product, and I could not get Sun Labs to sponsor my secure version of Java and while I felt e-commerce was going to define the killer App, realistically in 1995 I was about 7 years too early to that particular party.

After thirty years of looking the other way on all of these things, what on earth could possibly ever even remotely raise our eyebrows and make us do something other than participate in the attention-occupying busy-body ******** of "durr durr republicans are stupid and evil" and "durr durr democrats are stupid and evil" my team versus yours ********?Maybe if the government and corporations decided that it was just easier to require that all births be sponsored to make sure they can be cared for until adulthood and then those sponsored children become indentured servants for their sponsor company until the age of 40 .

Sponsor definitions


someone who supports or champions something

See also: patron supporter


an advocate who presents a person (as for an award or a degree or an introduction etc.)

See also: presenter


assume sponsorship of

See also: patronize patronise


assume responsibility for or leadership of; "The senator announced that he would sponsor the health care plan"


do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of

See also: patronize patronise shop frequent