Splendid in a sentence as an adjective

Michael Flynn's essays are splendid - a "must read".

Emailing patches around works very well, and modern VCSes have splendid support for it.

Emailing patches around works very well, and modern VCSes have splendid support for it. If you want to contribute to a project on github, you need to abandon that.

I think both sides are doing a splendid job of bullying, no doubt glowing in the self-righteous pleasure of fighting against evil.

A very splendid example of deliberate obtuseness, sir/madam.

And, continuing back from hexadecimal, we have the splendid: 842254760070427756125843951997302119090555319708 in base 10 for the magnet link of the torrent containing the list of magnet links for the pirate bay's torrents.

This Groklaw piece does a splendid job of picking the high points from the critique that Google's lawyers have put together to decimate the report of Oracle's key damages expert.

So, whether you can manage to increase your income to pass to the right of the knee, or move the knee to the left of your income, either way you'll be happier than a new car, new house, splendid vacations or 100 great dinners out.

Oddly enough, I used the structure of that tutorial - the idea of a walk-through demonstrating features of a default install - when I knocked up a bit of a tutorial for Ubuntu Unity 2d[1]This splendid gentleman's work appears to be constructed from geometrical shapes plus some pixel level editing.

Splendid definitions


having great beauty and splendor; "a glorious spring morning"; "a glorious sunset"; "splendid costumes"; "a kind of splendiferous native simplicity"

See also: glorious resplendent splendiferous


very good;of the highest quality; "made an excellent speech"; "the school has excellent teachers"; "a first-class mind"

See also: excellent first-class fantabulous


characterized by grandeur; "the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony"

See also: brilliant glorious magnificent