Spiritedness in a sentence as a noun

Good luck PG, I hope you can find a way to reduce the mean-spiritedness fluff, and make HN more pleasant again.

I think downvoting brings mean-spiritedness to the community, and is one of the main reasons i ran away from digg and reddit and came here.

I don't think that page on Wikipedia can be the source of your information—it says nothing to support the claim of mean-spiritedness.

Raw enthusiasm, high spiritedness and child like courage in approaching ideas and implementing them.

Greenplum's mean-spiritedness makes this more a review of himself than the book, which is too bad because he manages a few golden nuggets here and there among all the brown ones.

Show the public the chain of events that occurred, show the victims, and show the identities of the cancellers and the mean-spiritedness and illogic involved.

It is fear or common sense that actually make people avoid big gatherings during the pandemic of an unknown virus?It might actually just be public-spiritedness.

The response also won in mean-spiritedness and unnecessary escalation.

The problem is that they have no savings, and there's no social safety net, and our politicians have become actively mean-spirited because the dumbs equate mean-spiritedness with masculinity.

Honestly, I think we let a lot of mean-spiritedness pass as "comedy", and I think sexist comedy causes a lot of real-world problems.> I would be dollars to doughnuts that the author of that site and the editors of that "wiki" have made or thought worse things at some point, but because they have not reached a certain level of celebrity, there's no dossier on them.

Spiritedness definitions


quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous

See also: animation invigoration brio vivification