Spigot in a sentence as a noun

I have a feeling SF will bust when the VC spigot dries up.

The policies are in place to ensure that spigot sticks around for awhile.

Those who are closer to the money spigot have an advantage over those who are further way.

No remembering to refill a pitcher, just a little extra spigot on your sink.

It will always be cheaper for Netflix to turn up the spigot than for Comcast to build out its infrastructure.

A privately run prison is pretty much a government money spigot.

" - devaluation built in, we'll see if it is is enough of a lever and who controls the lever or spigot as they say with oil, that sets the price.

\nIt's obvious that many people would trade a few years of very hard work for the spigot of money early Facebook and Google employees got.

As the above commenter references, this slowdown is likely the result of the credit spigot getting turned off.

Matthew is in the position of being able to use the internet as a money spigot if FunnyJunk really wants to escalate.

I've seen you post this story a few times now; have you considered opening the detail spigot a whee bit more and posting an "Ask HN" if there's anybody here who can help you out a bit?

You can operate a profitable business based on fundamentals, as long as you keep brutally honest track of what your business would look like if you have to turn off the pursuit of market share spigot.

Spigot definitions


a plug for a bunghole in a cask


a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir

See also: faucet