Spiel in a sentence as a noun

Now that's become her spiel, and mine the opposite.

They see the smaller posts getting mentioned on Twitter and reach out to write their spiel.

"SD/SA: brief spiel on MMI>SD: "But you still haven't told us about how to solve interrupts.

"Lost my vote forever" is, I'm sure, the kind of meaningless spiel they hear everyday.

Cop asks to see his id, and gives some spiel about how Homeland Security lets them require you to show your ID.

Without going into a long spiel, it just feels like they're not satisfied with my $60 and make it too obvious in their grab for more.

I was going to ask if he is a relative of Jason Calacanis as it sounds like that type of blowhard not too much depth type spiel

On this point, Jeff Atwood actually makes sense [1].I know the spiel about pricing having nothing to do with the cost of production, blah blah blah.

Spiel in a sentence as a verb

A few authors do the growling anti-Apple/pro-Google spiel and see little uptake because that just isn't interesting.

The saddest layoff story i ever heard: The CEO called an all hands and gave the canonical "we're too far ahead of our time but now we're out of cash" spiel.

* Lots of stuff in QDesktopServices, QCommandLineParser, QLocale ...So ok, that should put the "no improvements" spiel to rest; you're not really aware of what's been going on.

An except from the spiel at a company I am not at liberty to name: There is no machine in this facility which is incapable of killing you.

Having seen him give his spiel at Rice University a few years ago, I came away from it with thoughts nearly identical to the original letter.

If you would like to hear a very honest spiel about the frustration these changes provide, search for a channel called NerdCubed and look at his recent videos for a video on the comment section.

I have to admit when I saw Emily Chang give her opening spiel, having never heard of her or Bloomberg, my mind immediately put her in the "vapid TV personality" bucket.

Spiel definitions


plausible glib talk (especially useful to a salesperson)

See also: patter


replay (as a melody); "Play it again, Sam"; "She played the third movement very beautifully"

See also: play


speak at great length (about something)