Speciate in a sentence as a verb

If you speciate then you have little sub-populations exploiting the local maxima, so they might do better.

The odds of life making a successful journey to earth seem very poor, so maybe it was a small population that only made it here once, and then began to speciate.

The clones were intended to speciate and fill all sorts of niches, but they mostly just built the Apple provided reference designs with maybe the odd extra bus slot or two.

Remember though that the polyploidy in plants is a fundamentally different process from the way animals speciate.

Will targeted species undergo rapid mutation and speciate?

Evidence suggests that during the warmest part of interglacial periods, they hybridise with Grizzlies and then re-speciate when the climate cools down again.

Even with primitive technology we spread throughout the globe, and unlike wild cats or bears we haven't needed to speciate into each climate, develop camouflage fur, etc.

Human ideological systems are not like biological systems that speciate through schism.

Maybe we can speciate into grunting Amazon-prime-subscribing Eloi, and the technologically literate Morlocks who feed on them.

We're watching a second family of mammals adapt and speciate a bunch of new winners in this domain of man, in in our own homes!Even the human mass extinction has given life time to adapt, by way of crops, farm animals, pets, etc.

There's the rub: even if nearly everyone agrees it's unethical and will speciate humans, there's a huge incentive for, say, china to defect from this consensus and develop a class of superhumanly gifted citizens.

Instead of finding different ecological niches, human will speciate into different ideological niches.

To equate that they are different is to speciate an argument for why one set of matter and social construct is eternal in nature and the rest are mortal in nature: it is a highly opinionated point which one must make which in itself proves that the argument is false.

At the timescales it takes to travel to other solar systems, populations of colonists would be separated enough to speciate, especially given the radical differences in environment and the genetic drift of the early colony ships anyway.

It would need to speciate before that happens.>I mean, isn't this basically how biological altruism develops in general?I'm not really familiar with the concept, but it's easy to predict some things: Biological altruism will generally mean an organism helping another at a small or no cost and/or the benefited organism is a close relative that likely shares the gene.

Speciate definitions


evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment

See also: differentiate specialize specialise