Specialness in a sentence as a noun

It tries to convey a specialness which doesn't seem to exist.

I think putting a record in Wal-Mart or on the radio causes it to lose its specialness.

We're all unique snowflake rockstars and all our meals and coffee mugs are blessed by our specialness.

The "specialness" is, at least in part, due to their universality.

From that I conclude that Google's "specialness" is losing its luster, and that results from other services are "good enough".

Concerning the specialness of the human person or soul, and the need for God; this is first and formost meant as theological language.

We identified personally with our "specialness", behind it all was the idea that somehow we had the right stuff.

That could actually cut waste to nearly zero - but it would destroy "the feeling of specialness" which many higher end restaurants cultivate.

But the specialness of any book is precisely related to its contents, not its physical manifestation.

It isn't about explaining it better, it's about the fact people have a need to feel special and some people peg that specialness to having an article about Their Thing on Wikipedia.

Historically, we have always been proven utterly wrong after presuppositions of specialness.

There are many reasons for this, but a big one is that there are very few students past the second year of a PhD program who are under any illusions about their specialness in the order of the academic world.

Learning a whole different SCM is a lot of work to avoid adding one line to a configuration file, don't you think?There isn't a Mercurial user alive who isn't thoroughly and completely aware of Git and all of its magical specialness, thanks to assholes like you who show up to all of our conversations to proselytize us.

Specialness definitions


a distinguishing trait

See also: peculiarity specialty speciality distinctiveness


the quality of being particular and pertaining to a specific case or instance; "the particularity of human situations"

See also: particularity