Spacious in a sentence as an adjective

The supply and demand for more spacious housing and fuel to boil water didn't help things?

Moving from a tiny apartment with a small everything to a spacious house made me much happier.

That the arguments for both sides is spacious is in fact an argument in favor of not using the machines.

Typically, the CEO is "locked away" in a spacious corner office and the engineers have to make do with cubes.

The problem isn't that SF is running out of square footage for luxuriously spacious apartments.

Here in Paris, if you're under 30 a 220-square-foot apartment is considered spacious.

That's how it was done in Singapore for example and is why they can live in "spacious" 30-70 m^2 apartments despite having a higher population density than Hong Kong.

But their arguments will become so spacious that you'll need 5 screen-lengths to debate with them and thus ruining the comments for anyone else who actually wanted to talk about the article.

Practically an entire generation of Australians owe their existence to the spacious backseat of the Kingswood, so it's a name with pedigree.

Unless you're very wealthy, then you might be able to live in an apartment or condo that's actually spacious and nice but then you'd be looking to pay a ridiculous amount of rent money.

First of all, practically every high end women's shoe or bag store had that "Art Gallery" presentation style: hardwood floors, uncluttered and spacious, simply flat tables or shelves with few products.

I recall one American friend I knew a decade ago in Taiwan who described a middle-class neighborhood of walk-up apartment buildings in Taipei as a "slum," although to my eye it looked like a fine place to live, and indeed was cleaner and more spacious than the neighborhood I then lived in in a suburb of Taipei.

Mentioned this on HN previously but as a nearly 40 year old developer who has been developing professionally for nearly 20 years -- it used to be the norm for programmers to get their own offices, even just the regular joe programmers... Places really tight for space might put two guys in a very spacious shared corner office...A few years into my career the idea of cubicles caught on and quickly became the norm, and now of course we're stuck with these horrible open offices that are, in my experience, just absolutely dreadful for productivity; but since everyone is doing it nobody really notices anymore.

Spacious definitions


very large in expanse or scope; "a broad lawn"; "the wide plains"; "a spacious view"; "spacious skies"

See also: broad wide


(of buildings and rooms) having ample space; "a roomy but sparsely furnished apartment"; "a spacious ballroom"

See also: roomy