Soreness in a sentence as a noun

It was really quite bad, I had nerve pain 24/7, numbness, soreness, you name it.

For instance if it's to avoid muscle soreness that has been disproved.

It still took 6 months for my intestinal pain and soreness to heal.

: it takes a while to get over the soreness hurdle, then, once you get past a certain fitness level, it becomes fun.

After moving to a fountain pen I've had no trouble at all, I can write the whole day without any pain or soreness.

If the counter offer is exactly what you want and you take it, there will be some soreness and a passive-aggressive attitude that will persist.

First off, 25% of the children who receive the DTaP vaccine get a fever, 25% get redness or swelling where the shot was given, and 25% get soreness or tenderness where the shot was given.

A couple of centimeters either way standing up is the difference between feeling fine and having horrible back soreness within an hour of standing.

The creaks and groans of getting started, the burn of pushing my cardio limits, the delicious agony of deep stretching, the glorious next-day soreness, the fire of muscle exhaustion when doing lots of reps.

Their conclusion was the same as mine: any fitness regimen that makes it difficult to function in your day to day activities for days on end due to extreme soreness is not something that should ever be viewed as fitness.

Soreness definitions


a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched); "the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness"; "after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on"

See also: tenderness rawness


an uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distress

See also: discomfort irritation