Sooty in a sentence as an adjective

So much less sooty with methane instead of kerosene!

If you need a sooty blast scar or maybe a simple explosion sprite, I'd be glad to lend a hand.

As such, I don't mind walking about all day and getting a bit sooty, at least I won't catch something from it.

I would balance the PCB on a piece of metal shim to act as a heat spreader and keep the board from getting sooty.

The problem with most wood stoves is incomplete combustion, which results in smoky, sooty exhaust.

Carbon neutral has to cover the entire supply chain, for which pellets are going to have a lot of sooty diesel engines in the mix.

It was sooty enough that the moths evolved to be darker colored, so that they would blend in better with the tree trunks that were darkened by soot.

Much like how "tree huggers" celebrate blocking a nuclear reactor or bird-killing wind farm, and as a result the old sooty coal plant keeps running instead.

Research firms produce thick, black, sooty smoke that pollutes the marketplace, both the literal marketplace and the marketplace of ideas.

You can never forget that spectacle once you have seen it--the line of bowed, kneeling figures, sooty black all over, driving their huge shovels under the coal with stupendous force and speed.

They are quieter so no ear protection is needed, no sooty emissions so no face mask needed, and less vibration so it’s far less fatiguing for all-day use.

I spent some time living in Buenos Aires, Argentina--another city shrouded in a perpetual smog--and had the misfortune of discovering this sooty, dusty flavor for myself.

The sooty carbide flame may be used to mark cave walls with a station label.> The acetylene producing reaction is exothermic, which means that the lamp's reactor vessel will become quite warm to the touch; this can be used to warm the hands.

Sooty definitions


of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal

See also: coal-black jet-black pitchy


covered with or as if with soot; "a sooty chimney"