Soothe in a sentence as a verb

Wants for token "recycling" to soothe his conscience.

"Craft wanking" might soothe your arrogance, but it won't help you ship anything.

There is no way to remove it, but experience does provide ways to soothe the effects on you.

Then, over time, you analgesic grows to soothe more companies' pains.

" Python 3 was "we'll break all your code, but soothe some pedants and browbeat you into accepting the result.

Do you use the "only for defensive purposes" assurances as a way to soothe your troubled soul when you take the money?

"Any escape might help to soothe / The unattractive truth / That the suburbs have no charms to soothe / The restless dreams of youth... "- Rush, "Subdivisions"

Material riches won't soothe them: Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.

I've worked in places where "architect" was nothing more than a title given to senior developers to soothe their egos so they didn't notice they were underpaid.

The old adage of "Nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM" may soothe managers minds, but wait until you do end up buying those fancy pants high end arrays and find out how much snake oil turns out not to work on them.

At the risk of sounding cheesy, I would work on something that helps soothe or at least mitigate the destructive effects humanity has on the planet, ecosystems etc. This could be anything from renewable energy, self-sustaining houses, solar powered cars, arcologies, biodegradable or fully recyclable materials and so on.

Soothe definitions


give moral or emotional strength to

See also: comfort console solace


cause to feel better; "the medicine soothes the pain of the inflammation"