Solving in a sentence as a noun

"Thus solving the problem once and for all.

I'm not going to spend my time solving your cute little puzzles and what not.

Oh and she's very good at solving technical issues.

I didn't want to have to fight and battle and dedicate myself to solving this problem.

" Basic algebraic problem-solving says you subtract the 6 from both sides, then divide by 3.

I think the sign of a good technologist is less about how super smart they are and more about how they approach solving real world problems.

This all just feels really petty and whiney, particularly when you're already at work solving the problem.

Their response is one of problem-solving instead of confrontation, seeking to find a synthesis of the new perspective and their own.

"really bothers me. If employee burnout is a regular thing inside your organization, that's a serious issue that needs solving.

I'm solving a real problem that I understand really well, with a straightforward monetization strategy from obvious customers.

For every story about someone making millions out of their equity when the startup they're working for exits there are thousands of stories of people who walked away with nothing but a few years having fun solving challenging problems.

Moore's Law has allowed a certain level of indifference to mathematics in the past few decades since you could always throw a newer processor and more memory at a problem, rather than solving it via a better algorithm.

Usually in aircraft accidents there's a chain of events, but in this case there were so many possible contributing causes that other than having better pitots that didn't freeze over, solving any one other problem may not have broken the chain.

Solving definitions


finding a solution to a problem

See also: resolution