Sociopath in a sentence as a noun

You have a test that will tell you if someone is, or is not, a sociopath.

If you get a bunch of these sociopaths together, they will rub off on other people.

Insurance fraudsters?This guy is sociopath and I hope he ends up in prison.

If you are a sociopath by clinical standards, you will not climb the pyramid.

The chance that Bob is actually a sociopath are actually about 1 in 4.

In case it needs to be said, Oracle is a corporate sociopath -- it cannot empathize.

That false comparison has always bothered me. Preying on the weak for fun instead of profit doesn't make you right, it makes you sound like a sociopath.

Bob has taken the test, and has been identified as a possible sociopath.

Steve was known for acting cruelly to people; apparently acted like a sociopath.

A sociopath flips it, taking on massive risk the company is on the hook for and capture some of the rewards.

He moves jobs every 6-12 months which means a recurring bounty for the recruiter and a raise for the sociopath.

I'm willing to bet it is highly likely that the group this supposed sociopath served with had no such compulsions.

If you assume that 4% of people are sociopaths, then the chance of someone who tests positive actually being a sociopath is 26%.

This smooth-talking, confident leader within Office was some kind of sociopath.

Unless you are a sociopath it is bound to chip away at your confidence and it may be that split second of doubt that hurts you in your next meeting.

But it's clear that America at least is behaving like the purest sociopath, where "friends" just means "easier to manipulate".

Enriching some sociopath by building "santa strike" apps is a cause worth sacrificing everything for, right?

" Suppose you have a test that's 90% accurate in identifying both sociopaths and non-sociopaths.

What I'm mostly learning though this saga is that an uncomfortable number of SV executives are feckless weaklings in the face of a sociopath like Jobs.

I think what mattered for Apple is that Steve Jobs cared about products most of all - sociopaths at many other companies only seem to care about how much money they make.

I don't see that his personal drama detracts from the NSA story at all. If he was being painted as a liar or a Chinese pawn, or mentally ill, or a sociopath, that would be sheer distraction -- but what happens to him is of great importance, especially to those who might follow in his footsteps.

I cannot diagnose his exact condition, but he shared many traits of the common sociopath -- all except that he was never very charming, generally speaking.

But to your stereotypical business sociopath only executive-level individuals and their cronies are real human beings.

Being ex-military and not a sociopath -- he lost me when he said that the "vast majority of us are straight up sociopaths"We constantly made decisions that increased the risk to ourselves while trying to minimize the risk to civilians.

Sociopath definitions


someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder (`psychopath' was once widely used but has now been superseded by `sociopath')

See also: psychopath