Snowflake in a sentence as a noun

And this implies that we here on Earth are even less of an unique snowflake then we thought.

A lot of people think that their special snowflake of a spam is the one that users actually want to see.

Would you then want some angry ******* on the internet to mock you and call you a precious snowflake?

I like to think:"I am not a special snowflake, the sun does not shine out of my ***. But, if I work hard and apply my skills creatively in areas where others aren't it doing it as much, I may well have a shot at something cool.

Don't be depressed because you're not that special snowflake, instead try to understand where you are, where you want to be, and what, exactly, you have to do to get there.

The trouble I have is with people who, like you, fall in love with the flawed notion that their application is such a special snowflake that it deserves "advanced techniques".

Starving artists who are starving because they think that they are a precious snowflake immune to Microeconomics 101 are an entirely different problem.

"I know you have all these rules that try to make packages consistent so sysadmins don't have to give any extra thought to each individual one, but I'm a special snowflake that you should treat differently.

Snowflake definitions


a crystal of snow

See also: flake


white Arctic bunting

See also: snowbird