Snob in a sentence as a noun

They pitch quite a bit of snob appeal.

Not right away, but go through old stuff at least, and be a snob.

"Not counting some fanboys who acquired the taste trough some snob blogs.

How am I a "reverse snob" for pointing that out?I learnt a lot during my 2-day CSM training.

As a music snob, I believe you should have to account for my interpretation of your taste.

Don't be such a snob about insisting that hammers must have heads to drive nails, just because all the hammers you've used before happened to have them.

Please don't be a design snob and look down your nose and assume anyone using css3 is jumping on some bandwagon lest you miss the point entirely.

"Spreading" fits in the capitalist logic that prevails in America, but not in the snob logic that prevails in France.

Perhaps a more generic programming approach would solve his "half initialized problem".Don't want to sound like a snob, but it really looks more like a design problem than a language problem.

Because I came to the conclusion that such a community should be open to enter, and the mechanisms to decide how one fits the community or not should be actual contributions on it, not a random, snob bouncer.

Snob definitions


a person regarded as arrogant and annoying

See also: prig snot snoot