Snigger in a sentence as a noun

The kids snigger and say "dot in dot ?

Let the 13 year-olds snigger in the back of the room if they want to.

Nah... RP is the accent all us inverse snobs snigger at.

Anyone have the original text for me to snigger at?

This just seems to be a collective geek snigger at the aggressive and the fashionable.

Every time I hear someone is implementing even a part of text editing, I begin to snigger.

I'll be honest: "the alter of pedantic technical accuracy" made me snigger a little.

Snigger in a sentence as a verb

Old friends snigger that you don't go out anymore and figure your life must be so boring - sometimes they act sympathetically when you spend another Friday night in.

In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution, from horse racing to suet puddings.

A thousand years hence you won't be around to care about how your embarrassing posts affect your reputation, and those who find it might be more grateful for the glimpse into early 21st century life than inclined to snigger or cringe at your comment.

Those above you are snobs who are valuing form over function, style over substance, and so you're better than them too. How lucky for you: You've ended up at exactly the right place on the scale, everyone else is wrong, and consequently, you have no need to feel insecure.--Worthy of a quick snigger was the mention of audiophiles from a guy who seem to discern exactly what he's told to discern by advertising.

This part:>Now we have Silicon Valley challenging Detroit's leadership in the auto industry's most promising growth areas — autonomous cars, connected vehicles, eco-friendly powertrainsmade me snigger.

Shed be quite happy to ignore them all, joke about them behind their backs, snigger at them to their faces, but she knows that when she cant display her PowerPoint on the IWB shell need a technician, and so she maintains a facade of politeness around them, while inwardly dismissing them as too geeky to interact with.

Snigger definitions


a disrespectful laugh

See also: snicker snort


laugh quietly

See also: snicker