Snapper in a sentence as a noun

I definitely would not have had a better lunch if he brought out tuna and snapper.

He was on THE "green team" you young whipper-snapper and before that he worked on Mary and Mary2, languages from the long lost mists of time.

Neat tool - although I wonder whether it would be better implemented as extensions to snapper.

Eighty-nine percent of the snappers sampled from grocery stores were found to be mislabeled as were 77 percent from restaurants.

On this occasion he and the snapper had come to tell me that our visit to Flight Deck Control had been moved forward so we had to get up there right away.

So the young whipper-snapper that starts out by dodging some taxes today, might think little of dodging billions in the capacity as CFO in thirty years.

And it's a good reminder for me as a young framework-raised, self-taught whipper-snapper to make sure I become a master at my 'craft'.And not just because it pays better.

Not to make light of his accomplishments, but Bill Gates is only 55: A mere whipper-snapper compared to some of the grey beards that many of us have worked with over the years.

This sounds like something you only see in movies: Billionaire hedge fund manager signs over really valuable asset to persistent little whipper-snapper then utters some clich phrase like "You've got spunk, kid!".

Someone with experience will usually beat out the guy working more hours so for me, it's a no-brainer to hire the older guy who's done it all than a young whipper snapper who's super ambitious but has a massive ego.

Or for young whipper-snapper civilizations who want to live faster, you could turn that black hole + galaxy-sized mass into a really big hydro-electric plant -- that is, power your civ from the potential energy.

Just saying this probably puts me in the category of "just another young whipper snapper who aspires to be the next Zuck"... but I have no desire to do anything like Facebook or Google or intentionally copy any particular model.

100K is the point where you have the illusion of financial freedom because you can purchase a BMW, buy a nice home in a bland cul-de-sac with a bunch of nameless white dudes, and it's not until you're in your 40s and you're in danger to losing the job to a robot or a whipper-snapper that you understand that kind of "freedom" is actually enslavement.

Snapper definitions


(football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff"

See also: center


flesh of any of various important food fishes of warm seas


a party favor consisting of a paper roll (usually containing candy or a small favor) that pops when pulled at both ends

See also: cracker


Australian food fish having a pinkish body with blue spots


any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae of mainly tropical coastal waters


large-headed turtle with powerful hooked jaws found in or near water; prone to bite