Smuggler in a sentence as a noun

How do you detect who is a smuggler and who is a just lost in the desert?

If the payload is attached to the inner thigh, the smuggler's leg will shield it from the side scan.

Expect to see Han Solo made into a heroin addicted jazz critic who's not a smuggler.

After a ****, they usually get out quickly and pass the ivory to a smuggler bound for China.

The lack of brisk smuggler sales likely indicates confidence that Apple has passed it's hurdles in China to sell the iPhone6/+.

"He's a criminal" "He's a smuggler" "He's an antivirus genius" "He's dead" "He's feeling better".

Not sure, but at least one very large scale, convicted drug smuggler from the glory days of California does, and they seem to leave him alone.

Just to offer an example from the article itself - shouting at the drug-smuggler was OK in my book, whereas "what the **** were you doing in Yemen" was not.

Why would DPR hire a smuggler?Why would DPR delete the photo evidence, but not the chat log evidence?Are there transactions in the blockchain that represent the payment?

Powering an electromagnetic for that kind of voyage on an amateur drug-smuggler's budget is one possible pain point I can think of.

Are you a drug smuggler, terrorist, child-pornographer, movie pirate or just someone who failed to account for a 5000 dollars on your last tax return?Who gets to decide?

From a speech on a copyright extension law, 1841>Just as the absurd acts which prohibited the sale of game were virtually repealed by the poacher, just as many absurd revenue acts have been virtually repealed by the smuggler, so will this law be virtually repealed by piratical booksellers.

Smuggler definitions


someone who imports or exports without paying duties

See also: runner contrabandist moon-curser