Smorgasbord in a sentence as a noun

For me, I'm choosing a diet that, hopefully, won't be an energy smorgasbord for tumors.

On the other hand, IaaS like AWS is closer to a smorgasbord of components you might want to use to build stuff.

It sounds like you ordered the CS smorgasbord and are now feeling the fatigue of all the effort expended to wrap your mind around it. Like someone else said, meditate.

HN is a smorgasbord of "strong opinions held loosely". The best advice is not to take anything that goes on here in the echo chamber personally.

States rights allows for smorgasbord of governmental choices that we should promote. Same sex marriage could very much be seen as a states rights issue.

And it will most likely be a veritable smorgasbord of new experiences. Just because you've parked your butt in one place for a while doesn't mean you know everything about it.

The smorgasbord of languages and cultures makes it harder to target though. But German, French and Spanish markets are big in their own right, especially if you consider you can reach other territories with them as well.

I didn't really think he had a great sense of style because Linux is known to be somewhat of a smorgasbord. Git itself also has a sloppy and confusing interface IMO, but that's a different issue.

The smorgasbord of security failures was the great point of the OP. If the hack actually occurred because an employee decided to go OfficeSpace on Billabong, that would not invalidate the value of the OP in the least.

Just to get meta about publishing in the 2010s, the article is a smorgasbord of irritainment, pseudo-psychology and self-doubt. Certainly not the kind of thing most men would find useful, valuable or insightful.

If anything, Rails has shown remarkable restraint in the face of a smorgasbord of shiny, new, and often superior, competing technologies.

First of all, coupling something with a smorgasbord of snacks is a brilliant way to get me to try anything new. But more importantly, the place we were at had given us twice as much leaf as anyone I had ever seen, apparently with the intention that the drinker would choose their own steeping time.

If five or six people are all using the same account, you could have an over-eclectic smorgasbord of suggestions that wouldn't be very helpful. There's also social networking features, though in my personal opinion it's hard to execute effectively.

The relational models can be overly restrictive as you cannot easily represent contained, repeated elements in an object without ending up in a crazy join smorgasbord. Note that that doesn't mean you have to be dynamically typed.

There is a veritable smorgasbord of human attributes that defy quantification.

The last thing I want when trying out a new language is to be presented a smorgasbord of options that showcases language's capabilities, but all of which I have little understanding of. I see this process somewhat analogous to learning a new musical instrument, like a violin.

Furthermore when a company goes publicly in most markets outside China, it has to file a whole smorgasbord of financial information. Most of these frauds were uncovered by a careful examination of financial statements companies going public were required to file.

Look back at the mess that was Apple's product offering smorgasbord before Jobs returned and took his hatchet to it. Without visionary leadership, most big companies are unable to resist the temptation to take the kitchen sink attitude toward product development.

It seems to me like that kind of end goal would also provide a better balance between editorial choice on how much detail is appropriate and providing a smorgasbord of information that potentially overwhelms the audience.

Although they sometimes talk about "pragmatic programming" as if it were a thing, in the same way as XP and Scrum, their approach was more one of giving a smorgasbord of potentially useful techniques and practices rather than codifying a tightly defined set of best practices.

They have basically three options: - buy movies and console games on the street 1000x faster and cheaper than downloading and 100% reliably - pay by the hour in an internet cafe to download to their usb stick or dumb phone / mp3 player, very heavily restricted by time, price and storage capacity - offline sharing amongst friends/family TPB is just a playground for rich kids in rich countries to download everything they want in exchange for viewing a smorgasbord of advertisements and affiliate links and dodgy spyware offers.

Smorgasbord definitions


a collection containing a variety of sorts of things; "a great assortment of cars was on display"; "he had a variety of disorders"; "a veritable smorgasbord of religions"


an assortment of foods starting with herring or smoked eel or salmon etc with bread and butter; then cheeses and eggs and pickled vegetables and aspics; finally hot foods; served as a buffet meal