Smithy in a sentence as a noun

You have to move to some kind of village, where you have access to the local smithy.

Another commentator makes the point that there's the smithy tribe, and I think that's a great example.

I have a recurring nightmare of the yokel who returned his anvil to the smithy saying, "It doesn't work.

Like "nick", or "jsmith", or "smithy".If you want to look professional, use "administrator" or "webmaster" or "admin".You can use both.

So far, I've taken a single-session introductory class at a smithy a couple towns over and gone back a few times since then for some self-directed practice.

I think your parent was talking about recent-ish times wherein tools and things were made custom, serviced and maintained by the owners or the local smithy or carpenter.

And nobody's going to make a clean hike thousands of kilometers into an unknown land without leaving any traces, then stick around somewhere long enough to carve "gnome valley" in huge letters on a rock - which must have been roughly the plan all along, too, because otherwise, why did you pack stone chisels for the trip, and if you didn't pack them, then where's the on-site smithy?

Proper Noun Examples for Smithy

{ "Smithy", 3, do_smithy };\n\nIs this possible in Rust, or comas are special?

Smithy definitions


a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering

See also: forge