Smarminess in a sentence as a noun

I don't see any decrease in the smarminess of your approach.

The snark and smarminess set his point home more effectively.

This toothless centrist smarminess is what led me to cancel.

You really should watch the video, though, as its "smarminess" is almost beyond words.

Actually, I subtly said "get the **** out of the way if you don't think it'll work," not warm and fuzzy smarminess.

Both groups have a lot to learn from each other, if only they can look over the other's smarminess/smelliness.

Your smarminess is cute, but Apple eased up on the "duplicate functionality" stuff a long time ago.

Your comment was like a bucket of cold water thrown in my face, snapping me out of my own smarminess in order to get back to doing something useful.

In general, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, and I think we're always going to get accused of smarminess by some.

You're pointing out a slight misstep on my part and pushing it forward with negativity, with your "Let's try this again" and "yet you can't bring yourself" smarminess.

People just like seeing smarminess, particularly if it's directed at a "big evil corporation".

Putting any personal feelings about smarminess aside, I assume people are using the word brilliant to describe this because:1.

No smarminess intended, but did you not use authoritative numbers to calculate those financial projections in the first place?

It always surprises me when someone mistakes this kind of smarminess for wit, especially if they appear to have learned to bathe and not make messes in the house otherwise.

I probably would have fallen for John's smarminess initially as well - some people are excellent manipulators - and probably kept going for a long time.

But in the spirit of "What You Can't Say" let me say that there is just as much shortsighted abusive smarminess, smug superiority, and shallow judgment of people by their superficial features in our day as in those times past.

Smarminess definitions


smug self-serving earnestness

See also: fulsomeness oiliness oleaginousness unctuousness unction