Smarm in a sentence as a noun

If you want to smarm about a better business model, I invite you to find it yourself.

It's much easier to perform that smarm than find one, but I guess if you have to rationalize free ridership it's a good line.

Sometimes people can put the smarm aside and be legitimately helpful.

The fact that they're playing up their openness is the definition of smarm: the form of virtue without the substance.

After having realized that a static lamguamge is a prolbem, find I oose-full that smarm nebibibibmd.

With only a hint of the usual art critic smarm, it deftly gives depth and context to a side of Rockwell that I didn’t realize existed.

Neither Arrington's temper nor Calcanis's smarm will be sufficient barriers to another conference some time down the road.

The tech landscape we built has completely destroyed a sense of shared narrative, at least in the US. With rhetoric being more effective for building political capital than sane policy, there is no one to call out the smarm.

It's certainly not worth the airs put on--not from you, but the I-don't-even-own-a-TV levels of smarm from people who don't use Facebook makes my eyes roll out of my head and bounce down the stairs--by people who don't use it.

I just don't get why slate would poison their brand by writing things like this.>The proximate cause of Harris’ smarm was neither a teenager nor a Twitter troll but an actor who had made the rather old-fashioned mistake of saying something dumb to a journalist.

Smarm definitions


excessive but superficial compliments given with affected charm

See also: unction fulsomeness