Slow-witted in a sentence as an adjective

Thank you for the quote, but unfortunately I am too slow-witted to see the relevance.

I just realized that what I wrote sounds like it has been written by a particularly slow-witted toddler.

The term "troll" is actually easy to define: "antisocial, quarrelsome and slow-witted creatures which make life difficult for travelers.

OK, I see:> In Scandinavian mythology, trolls are large, ugly, unfriendly, brutish, slow-witted, anti-Christian creatures said to dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves.

*Obtuse - Synonyms: stupid, slow-witted, slow, dull-witted, unintelligent, ignorant, simpleminded, witless;Needless to say, I have no patience for those kinds of insults.> Intention can be inferredSure.

"As a slow-witted human being I have a very small head and I had better learn to live with it and to respect my limitations and give them full credit, rather than try to ignore them, for the latter vain effort will be punished by failure.

It's about recognizing our human limitations: "As a slow-witted human being I have a very small head and I had better learn to live with it and to respect my limitations and give them full credit, rather than try to ignore them, for the latter vain effort will be punished by failure.

The CS technology underlying tracing, watermarking, revocation, and renewability isn't very new, but the industry adoption of it --- particularly among slow-witted consumer electronics conglomerates --- is in its infancy.

" adds nothing of value to the conversation?Or we could downmod it because the only thing less funny than an old meme is an old meme that the teller felt the need to pre-emptively explain?Or... how about downmodding because saying that people would only do so "because they didn't get it immediately" implies that you think they're slow-witted?

Slow-witted definitions


retarded in intellectual development

See also: backward half-witted feebleminded