Slothful in a sentence as an adjective

Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.

I'd give them that credit had Slack not always been a slothful sludge of molasses.

The present invention finds its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence.

If the people involved were lazy and slothful, where would they muster up the energy to work on such an endeavor?

Whereas the people who lurk HN quietly and excessively may be likely to indulge in slothful behaviour.

There was like two weeks where the class just copied equations that said, if you speak math, unemployment insurance makes people weak and slothful over and over again.

Instead of ad bloated, video playing monstrosities?Web developers were slothful.

There is a lot of pressure mounting for even the most slothful corporations to upgrade, both their browsers and their legacy web apps that [currently] only run in IE6.

The slothful pace with which this endeavor is proceeding, despite the mountains of money behind it and the obvious and profound unmet clinical need, pains all of us.

Dismissal based on initial social class is prideful, slothful, and envious excuse-making.

As it is, instead of shaming slothful, lazy, degenerate idiots, society shames itself into allowing them a free pass on the grounds that all else being equal, some people must be too stupid to figure anything out for themselves.

You can take the exact same slothful person and put them in different circumstances and end up with a stellar worker - the game-changer for me for me was to be accountable, in a big, meaningful way, to someone besides just myself.

I know this firsthand because there are places in the US that you have to submit requests and deal with government lawyers and slothful employees, while the exact same type of data can be directly downloaded from another municipality without any barriers or assistance.

Slothful definitions


disinclined to work or exertion; "faineant kings under whose rule the country languished"; "an indolent hanger-on"; "too lazy to wash the dishes"; "shiftless idle youth"; "slothful employees"; "the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy"

See also: faineant indolent lazy otiose work-shy