Slipstream in a sentence as a noun

I've tried 3 or 4 times, but I never figured out how to make a slipstream of Win7.

How big are those slipstream effects compared to speed scaling?

They don't issue slipstream patches in that business.

They'll just slipstream the elements of this bill in with other legislature once the heat dies down.

Self-driving cars could form convoys to utilize slipstream.

His bike rolled 30 m with a single pedal rotation and he too was riding after the bus to piggyback on a slipstream.

"Of course Apple can "silently slipstream applications onto a user's iPhone".

Neat idea, but things that become really successful slipstream into the existing way of doing things, rarely do they supplant it in such a radical way.

Apple can silently slipstream applications onto a users iPhone ?

If you don't like the distro, slipstream yourself a new copy with your favourite WM. I don't understand how anyone can complain about progress like this -- if you don't like convention over configuration, maybe Ubuntu isn't for you.

A friend of mine got tired of never having network drivers out-of-the-box in XP, so he made a slipstream install image that was vanilla XP SP2... plus 676 network card drivers.

With a biggest-in-front arrangement, you get some slipstream benefit, but you also get a whole mess of turbulence, and there's no way you're going to rival the speed of a bullet train without a lot more energy spent.

Slipstream definitions


the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller

See also: airstream race backwash wash