Slim in a sentence as a verb

It may be a slim hope getting that to stick, but at least it's a chance.

The chances of upending it seemed slim to none.

At least there's a very slim, but non-zero, chance he'll log back on again.

I hope they will - and if Pebble can raise $10 Million, then they do have a chance, even if it is a slim one.

The reality is that the odds of me living long enough to see my children grow are quite slim.

I think Apple has good design, but would be happy with a slim Linux laptop that works without issues.

If the company has a slim margin to begin with, they will never even be able to start in the "race.

Throughout Facebook's history meeting people with Facebook has been a slim thing.

Using icons looks nice and allows for slimmer navigation but it decreases ease of use for me. I can find things much quicker with text labels.

Slim in a sentence as an adjective

Profit per ticket is so slim, so cost of customers acquisitions is what really matters.

But the likelihood that anyone in any position of power at NBC even saw that page is slim to none.

You've got to sacrifice your 20s and much of your 30s in a haze of work, and the odds are still very slim that you'll win the tenure lottery.

I know it's publicly available, but the chances of anyone beyond my circle of friends seeing it are slim to none.

If you can't save that money over time by getting slim with your personal budget, you are probably in for a world of hurt caused by an upside down balance sheet.

I hate that feeling.. the knowledge that engaging in the discussion is going to be exhausting and the chance of making traction is slim, and the feeling that inaction is the only reasonable alternative.

Of course, I've been wrong about things before and I'm not really a typical consumer user, but I just can't imagine a future for tablets with phones getting as good as they are, and small laptops being as slim and powerful as they are.

********* "users" are normal people -- with a slim majority supporting ********* legalization and a significant fraction of that openly admitting ********* use, the old stoner/loser stereotype is hopefully on its last legs.

Slim definitions


take off weight

See also: reduce slenderize thin


being of delicate or slender build; "she was slender as a willow shoot is slender"- Frank Norris; "a slim girl with straight blonde hair"; "watched her slight figure cross the street"

See also: slender slight svelte


small in quantity; "slender wages"; "a slim chance of winning"; "a small surplus"

See also: slender