Sleepiness in a sentence as a noun

Even 14 days into the study, they said sleepiness was not affecting them.

Caffeine, at least, I know work by blocking those receptors that signal the feeling of sleepiness.

Modafinil did help to get rid of my sleepiness: if the task/meetings/lectures dragged a bit, I'd actually nod off.

There apparently is a correlation between wheat and sleepiness, for some.

The "turkey causes sleepiness" meme is about tryptophan in the meat boosting serotonin levels.

Part of the problem with most other studies are that it is very had to metricize on-the-job performance and sleepiness.

It completely clears away brain fog and eliminates sleepiness.

She got upset at him touching her, so he slept on the couch with his ankles belted together so he wouldn't get back in bed out of sleepiness/habit.

If you're unfamiliar with it, it's a drug which eliminates the cognitive effects of sleepiness.

People spend huge amounts of their time sleeping, and sleepiness has a tremendous impact on productivity, but I find that most people don't introspect much with regards to their sleep.

Increased brain serotonin and melatonin levels result in sleepiness.

Sleepiness definitions


a very sleepy state; "sleepiness causes many driving accidents"

See also: drowsiness somnolence