Sleaziness in a sentence as a noun

That said, I can't help but detect a bit of sleaziness there.

They make great games, but seem to have some sleaziness when it comes to the pricing/terms of their products.

His name is the least of his problems, as his antics and sleaziness are well documented.

They've relied on user interface dark patterns and sleaziness far too much.

I guess the uproar over the sleaziness of patent trolls, and Lodsys in particular is over.

Timely post for me. I removed the "ShareThis" plugin from my blog last week due to the sleaziness and have been thinking of putting together a replacement.

A rich company like google would not normally allow it to itself, they can easily dispense with such sleaziness.

If anyone ever doubted Microsoft's PR sleaziness and propaganda tactics that blog post is proof.

[1] To be fair depending upon the target demographic the sleaziness can be increased without causing problems.

If we put aside for a second the overall sleaziness of this industry that makes working for it very unattractive, isn't HFT at a dead end?

You can lay a lot of sleaziness at Pincus's feet, but announcing your bad news on a Friday, when it gets mixed with other bad and important news, is just good strategy.

Historically, I don't think it was necessarily the sleaziness of the industry that led to regulations as much as a moral judgement against it.

I would have actually bought the damn thing because of the entertainment it provides if it weren't for refusing to support the total sleaziness of that monetization method.

Especialy when you add in moderna's reputation for peak sleaziness and non-transparency, it seems especially risky to be one of their guinea pigs in the general population.

For all of the sleaziness of Vegas, any time I've asked a dealer or pit boss about the house advantage in a particular game, or the correct play for a particular hand, they've told me cheerfully and correctly.

Sleaziness definitions


morally dishonorable; "an embarrassing sleaziness that I hope will be corrected by the more ethical newspapers"


a lack of elegance as a consequence of wearing threadbare or dirty clothing

See also: shabbiness seediness manginess