Sleaze in a sentence as a noun

It shows a pattern of sleaze that raises the question on if Uber can be trusted.

But please don't kid yourself that this girl isn't playing the "victim of alcohol-fueled tech industry sleaze" game.

Which means that the fear of being called a salesman/spammer/sleaze ball costs you hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in sales.

This is one or many areas in which banks are willing to outdo the imagination in terms of sleaze.

But, after watching TC for a number of years, it clearly was a progression to an even more potent form of sleaze.

The American automotive industry is where sleaze bags get trained.

However, its possible that trade show sleaze is just a pattern propelled forward by inertia.

Stay classy, Godaddy - you are the poster child for corporate sleaze and amorality.

Sleaze definitions


tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar

See also: cheapness tackiness