Skulk in a sentence as a verb

OP should skulk back off to slashdot where they belong.

Guilty as charged haha... but I don't skulk at industry events.

I suspect though he will just skulk off and look for some other controversy to rant about.

Life is too short to skulk around in fear of what some random middle manager thinks about you.

Had I intended to skulk away anonymously, I think it would have been far harder to work with Laura, but we all knew what was at stake.

But that doesn't give you license to skulk about making everyone else with a less treatable form of the illness question everything they've done to secure their right to experience happiness.

Goldman et al skulk around country clubs, policy lunches, even freshman congressional rep orientations, looking to "build relationships".

Perhaps not the right story to add this comment, but would someone please make an easy way to buy bitcoins using a credit card?I know about charge-back problem, but I'm too damn lazy to do a wire transfer or skulk in IRC to buy bitcoins.

Skulk definitions


lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner

See also: lurk


avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill

See also: malinger


move stealthily; "The lonely man skulks down the main street all day"