Skive in a sentence as a verb

Sure, but private investors might cut your thumbs off if you skive.

Also try a standing desk so if you skive then you must stand up for fifth teen mins.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of whistleblowing being a skive, or a pleasant path.

I also skive off at 3 or 4 so I have the entire eve with my children, and my playstation.

I used to skive off school and go down the woods and do maths problems to entertain myself, so that I could avoid Irish lessons.

Otherwise the shame and fear of being accused of making excuses to skive off of work can escalate very easily.

That's the advice to give to people, "use bitcoin, if you get busted just skive off to somewhere with no extradition"?Certainly it's doable, but is that the life you want, or want to encourage others to seek?

Skive definitions


remove the surface of; "skive leather"