Skitter in a sentence as a verb

I have recommended skitter in the past and received a lot of positive feedback from hn. Their mobile app is top notch.

Games could notice that you're looking in one direction, then cause a creature to skitter by in your peripheral vision.

A big fat housefly would skitter around the screen, land on their faces, and tickle them into waving their hands around and pontificating.

"Once you've got the thought that always tries to skitter away, hold onto it and face it directly, no matter how much your consciousness rebels.

On geological scale there's not a big difference -- the continents skitter around the surface of the earth like drops of water on a hot skillet.

When I successfully look at a real stereogram, there is a point at which my eyes snap into alignment and the stereogram pops out. In this case, it's like the opposite: I try to steer my eyes to the point where the blue and yellow boxes overlap, but if I get close they skitter apart.

>the two places I can actively remember where I got zero coverage was in northern MinnesotaI took the Empire Builder recently, which basically skitters along the Northern border from Chicago to Seattle/Portland, and T-Mo coverage was nil for the bulk of the trip.

Skitter definitions


to move about or proceed hurriedly; "so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground"

See also: scurry scamper scuttle


glide easily along a surface


cause to skip over a surface; "Skip a stone across the pond"

See also: skim skip


twitch the hook of a fishing line through or along the surface of water