Sizzling in a sentence as an adjective

As in, I play the role of their ex. Give them a taste of a still-sizzling marriage for a night.

When was the last time you walked into a fast food burger place and heard sizzling in the background?

That translates into a sizzling hot phone in your pocket that has a battery life of one hour.

I turned it on for a few minutes... Eventually it began to sound like sizzling bacon.

When the butter fats are completely caramelised and there is no more moisture content, the top froths and there is no more sizzling sound.

I highly doubt any CS student in 2012 is somehow unaware that the market for their skills is sizzling hot at the moment.

Great answer man!Some time ago I creates a linked in group called "Bad recruiters" where shame job spammers offering me "sizzling hot" 23k PHP roles.

Behind her the walls of the room were flooded with green and yellow and orange fireworks sizzling and bursting to some music composed almost completely of trap-drums, tom-toms, and cymbals.

Work on sizzling hot, game-changing technologies causing market disruptions..Interested!

Sizzling definitions


hot enough to burn with or as if with a hissing sound; "a sizzling steak"; "a sizzling spell of weather"


characterized by intense emotion or interest or excitement; "a red-hot speech"; "sizzling political issues"

See also: red-hot