Simulated in a sentence as an adjective

I mean, what more do you want than an artificial brain created through simulated evolution?

However, we have to remember that these are only simulated numbers.

"And, in fact, every single one of our simulated trades was profitable, even while the stock overall was going up and down.

Sometimes it means saying "this part is simulated with these assumptions because we don't know yet, or it still needs more reseach, but if true, it shows our point nicely".

" The scientists write all of their data reduction pipelines before taking any actual data and test their pipelines on simulated data.

In one example a 75kb Word memo was opened over a simulated link between Indonesia and California.

"I got email from a bunch of physicists at MIT saying, "Hey, I saw your relativist baseball scenario, and I simulated it out on our machine, and I've got some corrections for you.

This is much more useful than the visual designer's case, where previously established modes of interaction are simulated in an interface they weren't designed for.

Why would they maintain a codebase?- Most scientific code is written in response to specific problems, usually a body of data or a particular system to be simulated.

Yay!The bad news, part 1: This particular quantum phenomenon turns out to be one that can be efficiently and accurately simulated using ordinary classical computers.

You grasp the really cool part of the concept -- we all live on computers -- and forget that details and practical implications -- simulated people living in a simulation and real people living in reality aren't really different.

It's awesome, and 100% the right direction for the field, but equally it is not a, "synthetic life form being simulated" as much as, "a very very complicated model which uses huge amounts of multidimensional data to try and replicate the behavior seen in that data".

They found that the performance characteristics -- which problems are easier to solve and which harder, and by how much -- match up well between D-Wave's machine and the simulation of the quantum process it's meant to be an implementation of, whereas classical simulated annealing doesn't match at all well.

In high school I was blacklisted from an admin position for demonstrating that you could write in Digital Command Language a program that simulated the login environment, stored login attempts, and then after three tries exited to the real login environment to let the user in.

Simulated definitions


not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article; "it isn't fake anything; it's real synthetic fur"; "faux pearls"; "false teeth"; "decorated with imitation palm leaves"; "a purse of simulated alligator hide"

See also: fake false faux imitation


reproduced or made to resemble; imitative in character; "under simulated combat conditions"