Simplification in a sentence as a noun

The 10x is a huge simplification, but it doesn't make it any less true.

If you see a nice simplification at odds with requirements, push back on requirements.

Over simplification makes for catchy blog posts, but is rarely the way to make good engineering decisions.

The author admits that his next statement is "grossly oversimplified", but there's a difference between simplification and nonsense.

"I'm guessing that a lot of the benefit of the rewrite came simply from the simplification of the core logic and dropping extraneous functionality.

That said, it betrays a simplification I've used thus far in that might not be a simple name, but instead a parameterized one where these parameters now occur in the ADT as well.

The most remarkable thing about the 60 Minutes segment was the simplification of Tesla Motors' history, and Elon's apparent unwillingness to correct the record in front of the camera.

He put a lot of work into simplifying the design and the payoff was huge - only 3 shapes make up the whole thing!From the article: "The three shapes we derived above amount to a remarkable simplification in fabrication and construction.

An issue that came up in both:> This is because restaurants often don't have tools to update the text on their sitessaving and replacing a PDF file of a menu is easier than messing with the code on the siteThis is a horrible simplification.

In Einstein's theory of general relativity, Riemann tensor is assumed to be symmetric, due to great simplification of the theory compared to the one with non-symmetric Riemann tensor, and an absolute lack of experimental evidence to the contrary for 100 years since it was discoveried.

If the Wave team had instead spent a fraction of their development efforts on seamless integration with email, IRC, and other relevant protocols, even at the cost of some simplification of Wave itself, the project might very well have been a success and more advanced features could have been added later once adoption picked up.

Simplification definitions


an explanation that omits superfluous details and reduces complexity


elimination of superfluous details


the act of reducing complexity

See also: reduction