Silently in a sentence as an adverb

But in the future, you won't even know you're using Wine -- it'll silently be powering your steam games.

I get that by default, and I can pull a list of your friends silently in the background. This is with the most basic authentication mechanism that facebook offers.

Nowhere in the documentation does it mention that it will silently discard your data. What will happen with the 64-bit version if you run out of disk space, more silently discarded data?

The NYT spent a whole high-profile article highlighting the issue of a silently shifting court record. This completely removes the "silently".

Bollocks to that; we were being allowed to actually live, not to suffocate silently in the cul-de-sac at the end of the driveway in that neighbourhood that's a "nice place to raise kids", and with all the soul of a funeral parlour. Damn them all to ****!

Thus does sexism silently pervade well-meaning but susceptible brains.

There are few things more infuriating than having a messaging service tell me it has delivered a message when it actually silently failed to send it.

Another comment: "Re the conclusion: to protect yourself, don't run an OS that will silently install software just because you clicked on a blue link in a program published by the OS vendor. Steve Ballmer should be jailed as an accessory for allowing this."

If you're a high school dropout who is very accomplished since then, just silently drop any mention of your education from your resume. Everyone will assume that you left it off because it's irrelevant given all your experience since then.

Very funny that me and my coworkers at nearly the same time opened our office doors to look into each others eyes and silently confirm that we were having the same issue. Then we all turned around and went back into our offices to check HN to see if it was just us.

People would tell me what a great job I did and praise the amount of time it must have taken, and while I'd smile nervously and modestly reject their attribution, I'd often be left silently thinking, "I don't think this was as difficult or took as long as you think it did." It took a while to just accept that I did my part.

Had they called themselves MangoCache or MongoProbabilisticStorage, fine, can silently drop writes, I don't care it is not database. But telling people they are a "database" and then tweaking their default to look good in stupid little benchmarks, and telling people they are webscale, sealed the deal for me.

Failure to write error-handling code will not result in an operation proceeding in an invalid state, deceptively reporting success, or silently corrupting state. An error return value can simply be ignored.

In this scenario, it's possible you have a couple bad actors that see a net benefit greater than your bug bounties and are silently stealing and selling supposedly secure code from your users. You could be supporting a hacker black market where they sell and trade codebases to popular online sites.

Their stuff works 95% of the time; they just aren't used to a world where "5% failure rate" means "silently and consistently eats any customer's file if their name has a in it" instead of just "has to be restarted every hour." The thing programmers do--it isn't using arcane languages, recognizing mysterious error codes, memorizing APIs or libraries.

Instead of simply going away silently, or maybe telling me where to activate the feature if I change my mind, it tells me it'll show my real name anyway, but just in a preview mode that's only visible to me, if I just click the default, highlighted button. That's not exactly the opposite of what I wanted it to do when I declined their unprovoked offer, but it's pretty damn close.

One very senior engineer initially worked on Source 2 about three years ago but had to quickly switch projects because another, more tenured engineer was expressing his disagreements by silently reverting some of my friend's check-ins. The founder's wife story also reminds me of episodes I've heard involving the wife cabal.

Silently definitions


without speaking; "he sat mutely next to her"

See also: mutely wordlessly taciturnly