Signboard in a sentence as a noun

On a signboard, intersection names can get quite long.

I just read it as a pun merging "absorbing ad signboard"09 "amortised mediators".

In the city, you cannot even walk 50m without seeing a signboard enticing you to eat something.

On the contrary: You'll stand on a corner and **** a signboard around in the air for 20 bucks a day only if it's worth your time, and to buy the extra 6-pack or whatever you desire, but don't need to survive.

The legal system doesn't really seem to distinguish between "two hairs" and "procedural fuckup" so someone who drove a monster truck through a crowd of people and runs around afterward wearing a signboard saying "IT WAS ME, I DID IT!!1!

The technology has the potential for some small incremental change to the real-estate development process, but it doesn't alter the underlying market forces where a housing shortage of 3000 dwellings is identified and twelve developers each throw up a "coming in 2017" signboard on some piece of land for an 1800 dwelling project.

Signboard definitions


structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted; "the highway was lined with signboards"

See also: sign