Sideboard in a sentence as a noun

I could build a lightweight sideboard out of sheet metal if I wanted to, but I'm not sure why I'd bother.

Technically, "from outside of the game" just refers to your sideboard, and cards that have been removed from the game.

I also assume that the Firefox team will light up a turn the bookmarks sideboard into something like the start page.

My ideal scenario would be to have the student's code saved in a sideboard, while the teacher's code would take over the forefront.

The maker scene of the time had people making beautiful sideboards out of wood with beautifully inlaid veneer.

I do something similiar with my keys: "I'm putting my keys on the sideboard".Before that I occasionally "lost" my keys because the location was never safed to my long term memory.

The house of the next century will be furnished from basement to attic with steel, at a sixth of the present cost -- of steel so light that it will be as easy to move a sideboard as it is today to lift a drawing room chair.

Sideboard definitions


a removable board fitted on the side of a wagon to increase its capacity


a board that forms part of the side of a bed or crib


a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers

See also: buffet counter