Sickly in a sentence as an adjective

In 6 months, it looks sickly, so I click on it and donate again.

In contrast, to me Windows fonts look "cheaper", in that they're all thin and sickly.

It's the reason people put sickly pets down, rather than letting them suffer for months.

My resting heart rate is lower, I haven't felt the least bit sickly, rare for me this time of year.

We occasionally get it as a novelty here in AU and US Coke is so much more sickly.

And the thing that's supposed to save them, selling ads against content, is looking pretty sickly as well.

These phosphors, by the way, are the same coatings that produce the "awful, sickly" light in the CFLs Dan hates so much.

So many "normal" people are sickly physically and or mentally by age 85.

Plastic cases often yellow over time due to flame retardants in the plastic, which is the cause of the sickly color.

If the plant still looks sickly I discard the water hypothesis, and may try for the sunlight hypothesis.

There is much in middle-class life that looks sickly and debilitating when you see it from a working-class angle.

Things are just sickly out of balance now in terms of ease of surveillance, data storage, etc in favor of the eavesdroppers.

"While the Africans are too dark, he doesn't think much of Northern Europeans either, who he says look sickly and pale because the bear is over their heads.

The shelves often reeked of toiletries and chemicals and perfumes of various kinds, mixing with the dust to inspire a sickly feeling.

] is a sickly backward scoundrel and a belligerent toe-sucking piece of excrement attached to a dogs posterior.

Imagine you're pouring your heart out to someone and things are at an emotional juncture, and a sickly cheerful popup comes up on the screen cajoling you to sign up or rate the listener.

Sickly definitions


unhealthy looking

See also: sallow


somewhat ill or prone to illness; "my poor ailing grandmother"; "feeling a bit indisposed today"; "you look a little peaked"; "feeling poorly"; "a sickly child"; "is unwell and can't come to work"

See also: ailing indisposed unwell seedy