Shuttlecock in a sentence as a noun

Wonder if it can be superior to current plastic shuttlecocks.

If it's shaped like a shuttlecock then it will have a nodal center - a causal echo, if you like - in its early phase but some time after the beginning.

Every time, I found myself analyzing the trajectory of the shuttlecock to decide where to put my racket.

Shuttlecock in a sentence as a verb

The falling Falcon stages have the aerodynamic stabilisation of a shuttlecock, and their low center of gravity helps them be stable on fairly small legs.

They came up with a bunch of other innovations as well, such as the shuttlecock seeker head and made a superior product that vastly outperformed the high-budget contractor.

Shuttlecock definitions


badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers

See also: bird birdie shuttle


send or toss to and fro, like a shuttlecock