Shorthand in a sentence as a noun

" When people say "nuh uh," that's shorthand for "nuh uh.

For example, once you know that !$ is shorthand for !!

The most useful shorthand is "all recruiters are terrible".

You're correct that there are smart MBAs, so it might be a bit unfair that "MBA" has become shorthand for something else.

The question of whether "stealing" is good shorthand for "copyright infringement" is a total waste of time.

It's a convenient shorthand for "bloggers whose websites I host at my own expense because I like and admire their sites".

Shorthand in a sentence as an adjective

We're willing to offer enough capacity that we're betting that they won't ever have a problem with it, and the shorthand for that is "unlimited".

But even less high falutin' fields have similar languages--listening to sports fans talking about what's happening can be quite mystifying to me, given all of the shorthand they're using.

That's going to get me downvoted, so can we assume good faith and accept this new emoticon I just made up: :#> as shorthand for "I don't really think the person we're talking about is culpable for a felony based on the information we currently have"?

When people say "copyright infringement is stealing," it's intuitive, emotional shorthand for "the same arguments that justify the rights attached to physical property also justify the rights attached to instantiated ideas.

>Any kind of Internet traffic that passes before these mass surveillance sensors can be analyzed in a protocol-agnostic manner, meta-data and content both, and it can be today, right now, searched not only with very little effort, via a complex regular expression — which is a type of shorthand programming — but also via any algorithm an analyst can implement in popular high level programmingThat's amazing.

Shorthand definitions


a method of writing rapidly

See also: stenography tachygraphy


written in abbreviated or symbolic form; "shorthand notes"