Shmooze in a sentence as a noun

" The would-be genius knows nothing about food costs or good staff or marketing or how to shmooze a critic.

However, the one I imagined would hire lobbyists who would shmooze politicians to pass anti-lobbying laws.

The French guy there, who had previously told me "France was BS", and was in Russia mostly to shmooze with Russian women, perked up and asked "do you know where I am from?

Shmooze in a sentence as a verb

The whole point is that consultations are done, RFPs are written, sales executives shmooze, directors feel that buying SAP makes them important, consultants are hired and armies of business analysts are deployed.

Oh, one more thing: when I did hand over a relatively straightforward case, rather than quickly dress and get the heck out of Dodge, I'd go down to the cafeteria, get a snack, come back to the anesthesia ready room, shmooze a bit, and then go back to the OR I'd left and quietly enter, saying to the relief doc, "Did I leave anything out, or is there anything on the anesthesia record that isn't clear?

In fact that seems to be at the core of his advise... the key take away is the majority of your efforts should go to investing in increasing your social circle, and making use of this social circle to advance it or lump it or even find it distasteful but it is consistent and rational advise... and it worked for him... he shmoozed his rich uncle into giving him a foot in the door, and then married into a successful family to get further ahead

Shmooze definitions


(Yiddish) a warm heart-to-heart talk


talk idly or casually and in a friendly way

See also: shmoose schmooze schmoose jawbone