Shitting in a sentence as a noun

The problem is you are shitting on Habeas corpus.

" My second and third thoughts were something like "Are you f%!#ng shitting me?

Unless you have that kind of cash, don't go on shitting garbage about 80 hours/week.

The main factor to think about is the distance people are shitting from where they sleep.

Yeah I would run into shitting elephants stuck in a traffic jam !

Stop shitting on your devs with dinky 5 year-old monitors and give them some screen real estate.

People who are already shitting on this, on day one, while typical is still extremely sad.

Nobody ever talked about such a thingAre you shitting me?

All I know is, with all the shitting on that gets done en masse on government employees, someone needs to defend them.

But if most of the dogs hyped in the various dog blogs would be shitting on pillows on a regular basis, the ones that wouldn't would stand out.

"Liking the wrong operating system" seems like a much smaller sin than "shitting all over an indie developer".

Over the last 7 years since I started developing professionally, I have seen nothing but people shitting on PHP constantly.

HN has gotten into a habit of shitting all over new ideas, innovations and technology start-ups.

But let's say you ate a plate of Uncle Jim's nachos the night before, along with a twelve pack of PBR, and you definitely didn't achieve shitting perfection this time.

Shitting definitions


the elimination of fecal waste through the anus

See also: defecation laxation