Shambling in a sentence as a noun

It's not the zombies you need to watch out for, they are slow shambling wrecks.

Far too shambling, and not nearly dramatic enough.

The Web is a shambling mess of **** technologies, just a Jenga tower of ****.

I do like both to be honest, the shambling ones I like because it looks very well done in large packs of zombies.

Do you prefer shambling zombies over say the faster movements of some of the other characters?

Calling people crack-heads and shambling zombies is pejorative.

And they’re just off-reference enough to be much more creepy than if they looked less like people, like bad CGI or shambling undead in a B movie.

Last time I saw one of these they were shambling trying to get video from people's iphones inside the hall and a couple of their guys got caught and were asked to leave.

So are you saying that "drug-addicted homeless person" is doublespeak whereas "shambling crackhead zombie" is neutral language?

In the meantime, it's just nice to see that not everyone is a shambling cultist, repeating canned talking points they read on a wiki which affirm to them that their own choice is the very best choice possible.

Yes, governments are simultaneously short-sighted, cunning, inept, plodding, plotting, shambling, scheming and carry out very long-term schemes.

I hope the author doesn't think this article is functioning as an enticement to use ETH myself, because it's only confirming for me that I never, ever want any of my money near that shambling wreck.

So even if you don't take it for granted the state is a shambling monstrosity that deserves a quick and merciful death, the very fact that Bitcoin ever gets to the necessary fraction of the global markets to **** it implies that people accept that and don't worry about it.

Shambling definitions


walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet; "from his shambling I assumed he was very old"

See also: shamble shuffle shuffling