Sexual in a sentence as an adjective

No one used sexual violence on you, at least that you remember.

Heck, even things like sexuality come into play.

That problem is that you are mistaking sexual assault for "taking the first step.

My ex-girlfriend wrote a blog post similar to this one, accusing me of sexual assault.

With many of them you risk violence, *****, abuse, sexual abuse, racism, etc.

While I did make a big dongle joke about a fictional piece hardware that identified as male, no sexual jokes were made about forking.

Much like classic 'porn' reinforced a view of women as sexual objects, tech porn reinforces the myth that "just try harder and you'll be a billionaire!

This country has gotten rid of slavery and overcome major hurdles of sexual and racial inequality.

Dear fellow HN dwellers,If you read the writings of the Guide's author and do not recognize that it is misogynistic and advocating sexual assault, you have a problem.

What's that going to accomplish?I understand her view that sexual undercurrents in an office makes things uncomfortable for some women, and I understand her wanting that toned down.

In a lot of anti-Semitic literature, Jews were portrayed as ultra-sexual in the same "hide your daughters" way that can happen with African Americans today.

Maybe the kind of dumb lockerroom overshare bluster amongst the employees and managers of sexually harassing companies and departments lends itself to admitting incriminating things like that to other men with a wink wink nudge nudge.

That's likely at least an order of magnitude less than happen in reality, and it's likely that the small minority that are actually reported by administrators have special aspects of them that make them highly non-representative of all sexual violence in prisons.

Some news reports are ridiculous by foreign standards: teachers not being allowed to shake hands with students out of fear of sexual harassment allegations, boys suspended from school for drawing guns, bystanders not administering first-aid to accident victims out of fear of lawsuits, and of course the terrorism hysteria for which I have no words.

Sexual definitions


of or relating to or characterized by sexuality; "sexual orientation"; "sexual distinctions"


having or involving sex; "sexual reproduction"; "sexual spores"


involved in a sexual relationship; "the intimate (or sexual) relations between husband and wife"; "she had been intimate with many men"; "he touched her intimate parts"

See also: intimate