Sexless in a sentence as an adjective

Society is sick, and the supposed "sexlessness" trend is one of the ways people are dealing with it.

Why, because she's supposed to be sexless before she can be credible in a claim of sexual harassment?

We are _wired_ to pay attention to this stuff, this is a reason why we are there and I really don't get this trend to pretend we are all cold, sexless robots.

In my world, there isn't a bright line between "professional and sexless" and "fun", with programming strictly under "professional and sexless".

Perhaps the women you work with are all sexless drones who wear hoodies and sweatpants and expect the same from men, but at my workplace the women are fit, attractive, and dress well.

After a series of 12~14h work day for example, you're usually not longing for a night of sex. Now there must be thousands of other possible factors, but it is commonly accepted as a stereotype that 10 or 20 years couple would be sexless.

Find 15 sexless undergrads from similar economic and cultural backgrounds?

The picture is not offensive to anyone who matters, honestly if you are offended you should probably go build a sexless utopia and die off in a generation.

Along with his bizarre descriptions of a sexless utopia where all women are enslaved and forced to be artificially inseminated to procreate.

Sexless definitions


having no or imperfectly developed or nonfunctional sex organs

See also: neuter


having no sexual desire


sexually unattractive