Severing in a sentence as a noun

The guillotine sliced four times on each plane, severing the wings and leaving the fuselage in three pieces.

Also at what point does having money to get certain things done stop severing the community?

It's probably much easier to quietly splice a cable when someone else is caught severing it elsewhere.

We can only undo learned helplessness by severing our internal connection with the system that gave rise to it.

While becoming a hermit is possibly the quickest way of severing those ties, attachment is the burden of the mind, not of society at large.

That monkey was paralyzed below the point of the spinal cord severing - so the monkey had massive complications and to say there were none is ridiculous.

Don't tell people your age.> Since severing ties with my cofounder I've found myself under-inspired, under-challenged, and feeling lazy with no commitments or projects to work on.

The air around him was getting thinner and thinner the more solitary he became, severing all contact with others, and he was slowly suffocating as a result.

"Over the past few years, Apple's been slyly but deliberately severing ties with a piece of hardware that most rational humans still view as essential on a full-scale computer.

Octopus would do nasty things to these sockets such as adding latency, severing connections between certain nodes, or partitioning whole sets of nodes from each other.

Try severing a LinkedIn connection w someone - astoundingly challenging.

My thought was that a kite from a nearby park might fly into the face of a skateboarder causing them to veer into the road forcing a motorcycle to evade and crash into a bus, severing the fuel line and blowing up thirty seven children but leaving the driver unharmed.

But evolution will still apply to our own gene engineered creations, just possibly with a very different set of constraints, such as potentially severing the billion-year-old connection between fitness and direct biological reproduction... as I've said on HN before, you don't have to be a full-on "Rapture of the Nerds"-style Singulatarian to see that the future may get very weird....

Severing definitions


the act of severing

See also: severance