Sessile in a sentence as an adjective

In plants it gets pushed to interesting extremes due to their sessile nature.

Bees are just after the nectar of flowers but the plants get to mate with distant others while being completely sessile.

Plants and fungi being broadly sessile means that their cognition, if they have it, will be expressed in radically different ways from ours.

If somebody is vegan only for ethical reasons then the article makes a good argument for them eating sessile bivalves.

Ironically the sessile but more genetically diverse plants could have outmaneuvered the ants.

Anyway it is effectively landships except they are massive steampunk mobile cities which grind up and harvest other sessile settlements and smaller mobile ones.

However, while revocation checking is often problematic for clients, some of those issues are more easily managed on a sessile server.

Started out as a sessile, filamentous bacteria with a highly complex life cycle and now is a roughly spherical free-floating bacteria.

The thing I like about standing desks is that they encourage better behavior than a sitting desk -- they're not by themselves anything like a panacea, but it's a lot harder to be completely sessile when you're standing up. The style of working at a standing desk, I find, is conducive to taking short breaks, walking around, even moving to a chair to sit and read or think.

Sessile definitions


permanently attached to a substrate; not free to move about; "sessile marine animals and plants"


attached directly by the base; not having an intervening stalk; "sessile flowers"; "the shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate"

See also: stalkless