Serval in a sentence as a noun

I spent serval days this week trying to fix it and I am still not done.

I asked serval people around if they have and no one else has in their adult life.

Maybe if you didn't layer your criticism with serval coats of "entitled *******" people would be more willing to hear you out?

The US is actually quite a bit ahead on serval conservation efforts related to wildlife.

It's basically capture serval frames and use a algorithem to generate it.

Day before yesterday, when Azure SQL was down for the whole day, it took serval hours of 100% outages until the dashboard got updated with red "problem" icons.

The UK revenue in practice don't really make a fuss unless you are off by serval thousand although they don't publish a fixed figure or else everyone would game their taxes to be off by just under that amount.

Serval definitions


slender long-legged African wildcat having large untufted ears and tawny black-spotted coat